How to Send Order/Credit Notes Manually to Loyalista

How to Send Order/Credit Notes Manually to Loyalista

Orders and credit notes should generally be sent to Loyalista via the corresponding events. You can find more information in our manual for setting up the plentymarkets plugin.

Das Plugin bietet dir allerdings auch die Möglichkeit Aufträge und Gutschriften manuell nach Loyalista zu senden. Hierzu kannst du eine von zwei Möglichkeiten verwenden:

1. Send orders/credit notes via order IDs

In your plentymarkets system click on plugins >> Plugin set overview and select the current plugin set. Open the Loyalista plugin and select the Action option (picture 1).

Picture 1

You can now enter as many order IDs as you like in the input field Order IDs (comma separated). These are automatically sent to Loyalista within 30 minutes, completely independent of order status, order type or other values.

The plugin interprets the order types credit note, return, repair and warranty as "returns". Points credits and redemptions are thus revised. When automatically sending orders to Loyalista, you can still determine this yourself.

Credit notes can only be sent to Loyalista if the associated main order has already been sent to Loyalista.

As soon as the input field for order IDs (comma separated) is filled, the filters below the input field are ignored.

2. Send orders/credit notes via filter

If, for example, you want to reward customers who have registered for your loyalty program up to a certain date by crediting them with points for their orders from a certain period in the past, you can also do this via Action in the plugin settings.

To do this, also click on Plugins in your plentymarkets system >> Plugin set overview and select the current plugin set. Open the Loyalista plugin and select the Action option (Image 1). Now select the appropriate settings for the filters. Explanations of the filters can be found in Table 1. All orders with the selected settings are sent to Loyalista within 30 minutes.

The plugin interprets the order types credit note, return, repair and warranty as "returns". Points credits and redemptions are thus revised. When automatically sending orders to Loyalista, you can still determine this yourself.

The input field for order IDs (comma separated) must be empty in this case, otherwise the filter settings are ignored.

The following predefined filter values in table 1 cannot be dynamically linked to your own values in plentymarkets. They therefore only show a selection of standard values.

Starting Date
Enter the desired date from which orders are to be sent with the other filter options.
Order Type
Select the desired order type(s) to be sent to Loyalista.
Order Status
Select the desired order status(es) to be sent to Loyalista.
Table 1

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